© 2024 Ignite House. All Rights Reserved.
We get an overview of our 100-day accelerator and jumpstart our journey with the iconic DAYONE format inspired by Amazon's "It's always Day 1" practice that has helped build the startup into a trillion-dollar company. What lessons, and more importantly, what specific behaviors and practices can we adopt, for our ourselves and our teams? And how will the 100-Day Accelerator put us on that road? We'll answer these and more on DAYONE.
Estimated time spent out of 100 Days: 3 hours
We use the Sandbox App to find hi-impact ideas and opportunities to launch that would radically improve our work outcomes and impact. The Sandbox App guides us step-by-step how to use practices like customer-centricity, empathy and human-centered design thinking in order to find the most rewarding opportunities - right here where we work, in whatever role or function we have.
Estimated time spent out of 100 Days: 1-2 days
Whenever we need help and support, we have Monday to Friday 90-minute Zoom gatherings where we will learn from mentors, peers and co-participants about live business cases they're working on and how they're resolving various areas where they're stuck (which is likely where we will also get stuck).
Estimated time spent out of 100 Days: 24 hours divided over 10 days and spread out across the 100 days
We get on the Launchpad App to start a project that will take us through the first 5 of 12 Hurdles as we launch a hi-impact solution (product, service, biz model, system, process, workflow, campaign, etc.) in 100 days or less. We focus on launching solutions for challenges and opportunities that impact our day-to-day work, especially those with the greatest impact on customer experience.
Estimated time spent out of 100 Days: 2-3 days if we're working on a simple launch; 10-15 days for more complex innovations
We're back on the Launchpad App to conquer Hurdles 6-10 of 12, collectively known as our Zone of Solutions. Hurdle 6 starts us off on a vision story of our customer's user journey - i.e., how, why, when, where, with who the ideal customer would use our solution? Hurdle 7 challenges us to translate our customer vision story into a solution architecture that integrates product, customer, business, revenue and cost modeling. Hurdles 8-10 focus us on scaling down the solution architecture into a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Build that fulfills our threshold Objectives & Key Results (OKRs).
Estimated time spent out of 100 Days: 2-3 days if we're working on a simple launch; 10-15 days for more complex innovations
Agile problem-solving is a ready-fire-aim discipline - so contrary to our deep-seated habit of ready-aim-fire perfectionism and paralysis, the enemy of peak performance and innovation in a VUCA world. In the weeks ahead, our Launchpad Hurdles 11-12 will help us practice, practice, practice. We will form new habits around agile ready-fire-aim, with repeating sprint cycles that address the same questions; each time with a new answer, new learnings applied faster; each sprint getting us closer to launch.
OKR-aligned target win/s for this cycle? Key iterations delivered in this cycle? Key gains vs key drains in this cycle? Key learnings/insights in this cycle? OKR-aligned target win/s for next cycle? Key iterations for next cycle? How can we go faster?
Estimated time spent out of 100 Days: 8-12 days if you're working on a simple launch; 6-10 weeks for more complex innovations.
The App guides us to regular performance reviews of the Superpower-6 critical competencies for peak performance in the VUCA world. This is a self-administered exercise we can do daily, weekly or as often as we like. This is how peak performers get it done - by reflecting and journaling (taking notes!) on how we are progressing on the 6 key superpowers, how specifically we practiced them (e,g., each week), where we got it right, where we didn’t do so well, where we need to improve.
Estimated time spent out of 100 Days: 12-15 hours spread over 12-15 days
Data & algorithms drive smart recommendations about people we should meet from our community who can contribute to or accelerate our success.
Estimated time spent out of 100 Days: 5-10 days
Constantly re-aligns our deeply personal sense of joy, meaning and purpose with the shared mission of our company and team - and especially the roles and projects we're working on. GPS (Genius, Purpose, Service) is a personal navigation system to help us find passion, commitment, resilience and grit in whatever we do.
Estimated time spent out of 100 Days: 5-10 hours
3x daily practices in centered breathing and mindfulness to help us keep our calm and manage stress, anxiety and overall mental health.
Estimated time spent out of 100 Days: 10-12 minutes per session I decide to join
© 2024 Ignite House. All Rights Reserved.
Ni2 is the National Innovators Initiative to relentlessly advance Filipino Innovation so as to be accessible to everyday Filipinos – a force every one of us can apply to everyday challenges we encounter at work, in business, in life.
Where we envision Filipino Innovation as fast, agile, resource-friendly and crafty problem-solving with a heart (fueled by empathy, compassion and love) and especially relevant to the challenges and opportunities endemic to our 7,100 islands and 100,000,000 citizens.
Where we nurture Filipino Innovation as a national grassroots initiative with a special focus on empowering SME entrepreneurs, career professionals and Filipino youth to thrive and succeed in the Future of work, of learning, of impact.
Where we pursue Filipino Innovation as a multi-sector collaboration involving the private sector, educational institutions, national government and LGUs, and socio-civic organizations.
Our next open house and info session is scheduled for
Saturday, 24 September 2022
10:00-11:00AM via Google Meet.
Q&A follows.
You will meet the YF team, learn more about the fellowship program (and actually experience some of its highlights!) and hear from Fellows who have gone before you about their life-changing experiences.
Most of all, you will know if the Young Fellows Innovator-In-Residence program is for you.
Thank you for your interest in DAYONE by Ni2, the National Innovators Initiative.
We have sent a confirmation message to your email. If you cannot find it, kindly check your junk mail or spam box and move it to your inbox before opening the email.
We look forward to having you in DAYONE.
Ni2 Team
Thank you for your response. We have sent you a confirmation email. Please verify that you received it or check your junk mail if not.
We will be in touch re next steps.
Ni2 Team
As a result, Winnovators create the biggest opportunities for success and impact – for next level breakthroughs – for their career, company, and community!
Here are 4 hallmarks of Winnovators (people who create winning innovations):
If you want to ignite the Winnovator in you, your team or entire company, this is the O/S formula:
It’s our mission to show you how and support you every step of the way.
🔲 I’m 30-60 days from launching
🔲 I’m working on something
🔲 I have a strong idea
🔲 I need to validate my idea
🔲 I need an idea
✋ I’m happy to share what I’m working on as a live case study.
The Guild by Ni2 runs the PH1000 Career Accelerator, a mix of activities, exercises and challenges delivered in 100-day cycles. Using apps and a community of practice to drive data and algorithms, we automatically rate each participant and place them in a 100% merit-based ranking based on potential to lead and succeed in the #FutureOfWork today.
Thank you for your interest.
The Ni2 Cohort Algorithm sets the number of seats open at any given time in order to optimize impact for all participants.
As such, we accept reservations on a rolling basis and will notify you when your slots have opened.
Thank you for your interest.
The Ni2 Cohort Algorithm sets the number of seats open at any given time in order to optimize impact for all participants.
As such, we accept reservations on a rolling basis and will notify you when your slots have opened.
Thank you for your interest in Ni2 – The National Innovators Initiative.
We have sent a confirmation message to your email. Please check if you received it. If not, kindly check your junk mail or spam box. If so, before opening the email, please move it to your inbox.
We are currently managing overflow reservations and will send your event link, plus more program reveals ahead of 08 April 2021.
You may also save this event to your calendar via this link
Ni2 Team
Thank you for your interest in Ni2 – The National Innovators Initiative.
We have sent a confirmation message to your email. If you cannot find it, kindly check your junk mail or spam box and move it to your inbox before opening the email.
We look forward to having you in Ni2.
Ni2 Team
Thank you for your interest in starting an Ni2 chapter in your organization.
We have sent a confirmation message to your email. If you cannot find it, kindly check your junk mail or spam box and move it to your inbox before opening the email.
We review chapter requests and issue Ni2 portals on an ongoing basis so you should hear from us soon.
We look forward to having you in Ni2.
Ni2 Team
We have sent a confirmation message to your email. If you cannot find it, kindly check your junk mail or spam box and move it to your inbox before opening the email.
We look forward to having you in our Ni2 Info Session.
Ni2 Team
Thank you for participating in the PH100 INNOVATION SURVEY. We’ll be in touch with results and insights.
Ni2 Team
As with every flight, this one leads to a gate that leads to our ultimate destination.
Except in this flight, you get to choose your own gate. Which one will it be? In the next 90 minutes we’ll help you find the gate that fits you best, depending on how you define success and impact.
Time to hear from our passengers – because every flight ultimately begins with you and your desired destinations…
I’m starting my career soon – I’d love to put myself in the best position for success and impact.
I’m a professional looking to take my career to the next level of success and impact.
I’m a leader looking to take my team or organization to the next level of success and impact.
I’m looking for a new product (or new service, campaign, system, process, or model) to take my team to the next level of success and impact.
Now that we mapped our destination, route and fuel…
It’s time to jump into the vehicle that will accelerate us in 30-, 60-, 90-day cycles!
Sure, we can each do this by ourselves – but we’d lose out on what makes all of it special: we are 100x infinitely stronger together than on our own.
That’s why we architected Ni2 to be an All-In-One Accelerator:
Who else will we meet…
How will our superpowers connect…
What wicked problems will we fight as one…
How will we push each other to newer heights…
What impossibilities will we conquer…
Remember the O/S that ignites the Winnovator in you?
You can’t win on your own – not as an individual, not as a team, not as a company.
At Ignite, we know these to be true:
First, that I am gifted with my own Genius –
unique, unrepeated and unrepeatable
for all time.
Second, that my singular Genius bears
the thumbprint of Who I Am and Why I am Here.
Genius points to Purpose, Purpose to Genius.
Third, that I can only give out
of what I have been given.
And what I have been given,
I must give and live for others.
Genius finds its fullness in Service –
a Purpose bigger than self.
Fourth, that if I am honest and brave,
my Genius and Purpose will find
their manifest call in a shared Mission –
with others, for others.
A Mission rooted in finding
that particular slice of humanity
whose particular pains
I am particularly gifted
(and compelled!) to heal.
Fifth, that shared Mission
leads naturally to Collaboration.
Shared Mission demands
Shared Genius: mine, yours, ours.
If we are a collection of our own Genius –
each unique, unrepeated, unrepeatable –
where then can we go, but to Innovation.
We Ignite, therefore, not just for self,
but for each other.
Because what we are born to do,
we are born to do with others
and for others.
We need each other’s Genius.
And far beyond Genius,
we need each other to be on this journey,
to fulfill this necessary progression:
from a sense of our own individual
Genius, Purpose, and Service (GPS)
toward shared Mission and Collaboration,
and ultimately, to Innovation and Impact.
This is the path of transcendence.
This is how we lift each other
to heights we never in our wildest dreams,
or loftiest ambitions, dared.
Jumpstart the Ignite O/S for your career, team, or company –
join us for –
Start the Launchpad project that will sprint you to your next level in 30-, 60- and 90-day cycles.
Above all, stay true to the single most important thing in your life:
Live your deepest truth and so fulfill
your highest potential and greatest promise
At Ignite, we know these to be true:
First, that I am gifted with my own Genius –
unique, unrepeated and unrepeatable
for all time.
Second, that my singular Genius bears
the thumbprint of Who I Am and Why I am Here.
Genius points to Purpose, Purpose to Genius.
Third, that I can only give out
of what I have been given.
And what I have been given,
I must give and live for others.
Genius finds its fullness in Service –
a Purpose bigger than self.
Fourth, that if I am honest and brave,
my Genius and Purpose will find
their manifest call in a shared Mission –
with others, for others.
A Mission rooted in finding
that particular slice of humanity
whose particular pains
I am particularly gifted
(and compelled!) to heal.
Fifth, that shared Mission
leads naturally to Collaboration.
Shared Mission demands
Shared Genius: mine, yours, ours.
If we are a collection of our own Genius –
each unique, unrepeated, unrepeatable –
where then can we go, but to Innovation.
We Ignite, therefore, not just for self,
but for each other.
Because what we are born to do,
we are born to do with others
and for others.
We need each other’s Genius.
And far beyond Genius,
we need each other to be on this journey,
to fulfill this necessary progression:
from a sense of our own individual
Genius, Purpose, and Service (GPS)
toward shared Mission and Collaboration,
and ultimately, to Innovation and Impact.
This is the path of transcendence.
This is how we lift each other
to heights we never in our wildest dreams,
or loftiest ambitions, dared.
Need help finding or validating ideas you ought to launch? Stop in at the Ni2 SANBDOX. Whoever you are, whatever you do, we’ll help you generate the most exciting opportunity that makes sense for you right now.
Jumpstart the Ignite O/S for your career, team, or company –
join us for –
Start the Launchpad project that will sprint you to your next level in 30-, 60- and 90-day cycles.
Above all, stay true to the single most important thing in your life:
Live your deepest truth and so fulfill
your highest potential and greatest promise
At Ignite, we know these to be true:
First, that I am gifted with my own Genius –
unique, unrepeated and unrepeatable
for all time.
Second, that my singular Genius bears
the thumbprint of Who I Am and Why I am Here.
Genius points to Purpose, Purpose to Genius.
Third, that I can only give out
of what I have been given.
And what I have been given,
I must give and live for others.
Genius finds its fullness in Service –
a Purpose bigger than self.
Fourth, that if I am honest and brave,
my Genius and Purpose will find
their manifest call in a shared Mission –
with others, for others.
A Mission rooted in finding
that particular slice of humanity
whose particular pains
I am particularly gifted
(and compelled!) to heal.
Fifth, that shared Mission
leads naturally to Collaboration.
Shared Mission demands
Shared Genius: mine, yours, ours.
If we are a collection of our own Genius –
each unique, unrepeated, unrepeatable –
where then can we go, but to Innovation.
We Ignite, therefore, not just for self,
but for each other.
Because what we are born to do,
we are born to do with others
and for others.
We need each other’s Genius.
And far beyond Genius,
we need each other to be on this journey,
to fulfill this necessary progression:
from a sense of our own individual
Genius, Purpose, and Service (GPS)
toward shared Mission and Collaboration,
and ultimately, to Innovation and Impact.
This is the path of transcendence.
This is how we lift each other
to heights we never in our wildest dreams,
or loftiest ambitions, dared.
Which doors is yours?
I’m starting my career soon – I’d love to put myself in the best position for success and impact.
I’m a professional looking to take my career to the next level of success and impact.
I’m a leader looking to take my team or organization to the next level of success and impact.
I’m looking for a new product (or new service, campaign, system, process, or model) to take my team to the next level of success and impact.
Jumpstart the Ignite O/S for your career, team, or company –
join us for –
Start the Launchpad project that will sprint you to your next level in 30-, 60- and 90-day cycles.
Above all, stay true to the single most important thing in your life:
Live your deepest truth and so fulfill
your highest potential and greatest promise
At Ignite, we know these to be true:
First, that I am gifted with my own Genius –
unique, unrepeated and unrepeatable
for all time.
Second, that my singular Genius bears
the thumbprint of Who I Am and Why I am Here.
Genius points to Purpose, Purpose to Genius.
Third, that I can only give out
of what I have been given.
And what I have been given,
I must give and live for others.
Genius finds its fullness in Service –
a Purpose bigger than self.
Fourth, that if I am honest and brave,
my Genius and Purpose will find
their manifest call in a shared Mission –
with others, for others.
A Mission rooted in finding
that particular slice of humanity
whose particular pains
I am particularly gifted
(and compelled!) to heal.
Fifth, that shared Mission
leads naturally to Collaboration.
Shared Mission demands
Shared Genius: mine, yours, ours.
If we are a collection of our own Genius –
each unique, unrepeated, unrepeatable –
where then can we go, but to Innovation.
We Ignite, therefore, not just for self,
but for each other.
Because what we are born to do,
we are born to do with others
and for others.
We need each other’s Genius.
And far beyond Genius,
we need each other to be on this journey,
to fulfill this necessary progression:
from a sense of our own individual
Genius, Purpose, and Service (GPS)
toward shared Mission and Collaboration,
and ultimately, to Innovation and Impact.
This is the path of transcendence.
This is how we lift each other
to heights we never in our wildest dreams,
or loftiest ambitions, dared.
Thank you for your interest.
The Ni2 Cohort Algorithm sets the number of seats open at any given time in order to optimize impact for all participants.
As such, we accept reservations on a rolling basis and will notify you when your slots have opened.