© 2024 Ignite House. All Rights Reserved.
Need a new product, service, app, system, process, workflow, or marketing campaign? No prob. Ni2 LAUNCHPAD guides you through hurdles 1-12 so you can launch in 100 days or less. Ooops, I need ideas…
We see this time and again, one of the biggest opportunities (especially in pandemic!) to grow business to the next level. Rona makes customer jewelry, a luxury that took a pandemic hit as customers shifted to home-based behaviors. No problem - we took Rona on a quick blitz of Ni2 Launchpad hurdles 1-5, out of the "product box" and into the broader "storytelling box". What are we really selling that customers are really buying? Turns out Rona's creations have uniquely powerful stories (e.g., exotic materials from indigenous tribes, earth-friendly practices, etc) - stories that can defy even a pandemic to grow customer demand in Rona's US markets.
How do you launch a product or service, especially when you're still in school or recently graduated? Curt, a sophomore and aspiring entrepreneur, is faced with this challenge. During The Jumpstart, Curt was exposed to Ni2's Launchpad - a step-by-step guide that anyone can use to launch their own products or services. He was also encouraged to form a team aligned with a shared mission, because collaboration needs a diversity of minds and skills that align with the team's shared mission. This is key to building a solid team and foundation, and that can be discovered by reflecting on their GPS. While Curt and his teammates find their personal Genius, Purpose, & Service and align them with a shared mission, Curt now has a foundation and the tools to finally start and launch his product! Stay tuned on how Curt & Co. progresses with Ni2!
CEO of Concepcion Industrial Corp, a 60 year old public company whose products are in millions of Filipino homes, leads the launch of Concepcion Peak Performance, an Ni2-powered 3-in-1 accelerator. First of all, CPP builds on the Live @ Ni2 platform to run its Market Accelerator for the Future of Home Experiences. CPP also uses Ni2's open collaboration platform in order to run its Workforce & Career Accelerator for its highest potential employees and Partner Accelerator for preferred dealers, distributors, and other partners and SMEs.
Sometimes they come to us with a cape and superpowers already - but that just makes it all the more gratifying and promising when we win them over! Danni is still an undergrad and student leader, but she has already assumed major leadership roles in the real world of work. Wanting to accelerate her next level, Danni is now leading critical market sprints via Launchpad and #FutureOfWork BTL Cycles with fellow Ni2 Innovators-in-Residence.
Jim Collins sold 4 million copies of the his global #1 bestseller Good to Great - and one of the reasons was his Flywheel Effect. How do you create rapid-accelerating and self-sustaining virtuous cycles that keep winning customers, revenues, profits and sustainable competitive advantage? That's what Kahlil, CJ and Isa are working on: a flywheel of iconic online experiences, content creation, social media and CRM - especially tailored for the much-neglected needs of SMEs. The 3 join a growing list of Guilders who are graduating into high-impact work as Ni2 Innovators-in-Residence whose BFFs are Launchpad Hurdles 1-12 and #FutureOfWork's weekly BTL cycles!
Mental health issues have been further aggravated by the effects of the pandemic - this reality pained Erica, a graduating Psychology major from Polytechnic University, so much that she decided to do something to help. But where and how does she start? That was the main challenge she brought up during Agile Hours, and she received some very helpful advice from the community, even gaining some supporters from the audience who wanted to join her in her mission! Erica realized that she needed to focus more on those who struggle with mental health as opposed to focusing on the product or solution that would help them. She is now set on using Launchpad and its Hurdles to discover the true needs, pains, and wants of people who struggle with mental health issues.
Still very much in college, but that hasn't stopped MJ from being a hardcore Ni2 Guilder and blitzing the Ni2 Launchpad en route to launching his new digital ID app. He credits LP Hurdles 1-5 with his game-changing pivot to focus on HR pains (and forget all other customer segments for now). Using The Empathy Project App that comes with Launchpad, MJ took customer-centricity to a whole new level by getting to know his customers, not just as business transactions, but as whole human beings. He's now reaching out to national HR groups to blitz LP Hurdles 6-10, with a view to co-creating with them in his eventual sprint to launch. While MJ is mastering Ni2 Launchpad, he's also mastering the Ni2 Superpower-6 that will allow him to launch again and again and again.
One of our most avid supporters and a recent addition to our Ni2 Global Advisory Board, Analisa has destoryed every box that has tried to contain her mission to prove that women can make it anywhere. From Leyte, to public school in Makati, onto full scholarships in Philipine Science High School, Mt Holyoke and Harvard Business School, onto the fast-track in Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, NASA and the UN, Analisa now has her sights on a homecoming - to bring her global organization Womensphere to re-shape the future of women in the Philippines. With Womensphere's focus on economic empowerment and innovation, we share many intersections with Analisa and look forward to groundbreaking collaborations. Stay tuned for Ni2 x Womensphere innovations via Launchpad!
A 2017 Industrial Design graduate of Benilde, Kim traveled the world and flourished in PAL as a flight attendant - until COVID struck and took her on a life-changing detour into Ni2! As pandemic hit and she was retrenched along with 2,000 other PALers, Kim joined Ni2's 100-Day Career Accelerator in Feb 2021. Within Week 1, she assembled a 4-person team with old friends Ally, Clark and Tita Joana! Christened as Team Bridges, their crash course on innovation saw them launch a series of bridge programs to help retrenched professionals, especially in the travel industry. Launching innovations in 30 to 60-day cycles, Kim also found her bearings and with renewed confidence, has decided to launch her own startup - a long-postponed dream shared with her BFF to offer millenials environmentally-sustainable skin care products! Kim recently shared her startup journey in The Agile Hour.
Social media strategist turned life coach, who helps career professionals in fields as diverse as social media consulting (of course), financial planning and entrepreneurship. Business is booming for Elaine especially in the pandemic, but recently she took a 2-month break to re-focus how she positions her diverse offerings. Of her Ni2 experience: "Even if I know what I'm doing, iba pa din yun may guide that helps me in the right direction", referring to our unique mix of the Ni2 app (GPS, Launchpad) as a DIY guide plus a real person helping you live (The Agile Hour).
20-year veteran of global travel industry fears no boundaries, dares to continuously expand her horizons with Ni2. Today she has reinvented her career in the field of innovation - an unlikely destination if you'd asked her 2 years ago. Most recently Joana is teaming up with college Guilders Josh (FEU), Jolina, and Glaiza (University of Makati) to launch Peak Experiences catering to millennials who are starting their careers and need to be mindful of mental health and overall wellness.
Stanford D-School and IDEO come to 200+ colleges and LGUs in the Philippines. That's the pedigree Migs brings in the field of Human-Centered Design Thinking and Agile Innovation, which forms much of the methods of Ni2 Launchpad, #FutureOfWork, Superpower-6. Add to that Migs' many years as a favored consultant of many of the country's biggest and most innovative corporations, plus his own family startups like Aranaz and Felipe & Sons, and you'd have to be as excited as we are that Migs will be co-piloting many of our Ni2 Daily Flights, where we do live on-air mentoring of our community of practice, many of whom will be joining us from corporations, SMEs, schools and LGUs across our 7,100 islands!
Kath, a 4th year Marketing Management student from the University of Makati, is a Guilder who is inspired to step out of her box - how? She created a Launchpad to solve a problem that she and many others experience so often - reliable internet connection, especially in the provincial areas of the Philippines. In her experience, internet services are not strong enough for rural Filipinos who heavily rely on internet for school and for work. Through Launchpad, Kath has been able to better map out her vision for a mobile device that can easily boost the signal strength of ISPs in the rural areas of the Philippines. Although she's just a student, Kath is challenging herself to innovate for others, in the hopes that maybe she can provide a game-changing innovation for all of us who regularly struggle with poor internet connectivity.
© 2024 Ignite House. All Rights Reserved.
Ni2 is the National Innovators Initiative to relentlessly advance Filipino Innovation so as to be accessible to everyday Filipinos – a force every one of us can apply to everyday challenges we encounter at work, in business, in life.
Where we envision Filipino Innovation as fast, agile, resource-friendly and crafty problem-solving with a heart (fueled by empathy, compassion and love) and especially relevant to the challenges and opportunities endemic to our 7,100 islands and 100,000,000 citizens.
Where we nurture Filipino Innovation as a national grassroots initiative with a special focus on empowering SME entrepreneurs, career professionals and Filipino youth to thrive and succeed in the Future of work, of learning, of impact.
Where we pursue Filipino Innovation as a multi-sector collaboration involving the private sector, educational institutions, national government and LGUs, and socio-civic organizations.
Our next open house and info session is scheduled for
Saturday, 24 September 2022
10:00-11:00AM via Google Meet.
Q&A follows.
You will meet the YF team, learn more about the fellowship program (and actually experience some of its highlights!) and hear from Fellows who have gone before you about their life-changing experiences.
Most of all, you will know if the Young Fellows Innovator-In-Residence program is for you.
Thank you for your interest in DAYONE by Ni2, the National Innovators Initiative.
We have sent a confirmation message to your email. If you cannot find it, kindly check your junk mail or spam box and move it to your inbox before opening the email.
We look forward to having you in DAYONE.
Ni2 Team
Thank you for your response. We have sent you a confirmation email. Please verify that you received it or check your junk mail if not.
We will be in touch re next steps.
Ni2 Team
As a result, Winnovators create the biggest opportunities for success and impact – for next level breakthroughs – for their career, company, and community!
Here are 4 hallmarks of Winnovators (people who create winning innovations):
If you want to ignite the Winnovator in you, your team or entire company, this is the O/S formula:
It’s our mission to show you how and support you every step of the way.
🔲 I’m 30-60 days from launching
🔲 I’m working on something
🔲 I have a strong idea
🔲 I need to validate my idea
🔲 I need an idea
✋ I’m happy to share what I’m working on as a live case study.
The Guild by Ni2 runs the PH1000 Career Accelerator, a mix of activities, exercises and challenges delivered in 100-day cycles. Using apps and a community of practice to drive data and algorithms, we automatically rate each participant and place them in a 100% merit-based ranking based on potential to lead and succeed in the #FutureOfWork today.
Thank you for your interest.
The Ni2 Cohort Algorithm sets the number of seats open at any given time in order to optimize impact for all participants.
As such, we accept reservations on a rolling basis and will notify you when your slots have opened.
Thank you for your interest.
The Ni2 Cohort Algorithm sets the number of seats open at any given time in order to optimize impact for all participants.
As such, we accept reservations on a rolling basis and will notify you when your slots have opened.
Thank you for your interest in Ni2 – The National Innovators Initiative.
We have sent a confirmation message to your email. Please check if you received it. If not, kindly check your junk mail or spam box. If so, before opening the email, please move it to your inbox.
We are currently managing overflow reservations and will send your event link, plus more program reveals ahead of 08 April 2021.
You may also save this event to your calendar via this link
Ni2 Team
Thank you for your interest in Ni2 – The National Innovators Initiative.
We have sent a confirmation message to your email. If you cannot find it, kindly check your junk mail or spam box and move it to your inbox before opening the email.
We look forward to having you in Ni2.
Ni2 Team
Thank you for your interest in starting an Ni2 chapter in your organization.
We have sent a confirmation message to your email. If you cannot find it, kindly check your junk mail or spam box and move it to your inbox before opening the email.
We review chapter requests and issue Ni2 portals on an ongoing basis so you should hear from us soon.
We look forward to having you in Ni2.
Ni2 Team
We have sent a confirmation message to your email. If you cannot find it, kindly check your junk mail or spam box and move it to your inbox before opening the email.
We look forward to having you in our Ni2 Info Session.
Ni2 Team
Thank you for participating in the PH100 INNOVATION SURVEY. We’ll be in touch with results and insights.
Ni2 Team
As with every flight, this one leads to a gate that leads to our ultimate destination.
Except in this flight, you get to choose your own gate. Which one will it be? In the next 90 minutes we’ll help you find the gate that fits you best, depending on how you define success and impact.
Time to hear from our passengers – because every flight ultimately begins with you and your desired destinations…
I’m starting my career soon – I’d love to put myself in the best position for success and impact.
I’m a professional looking to take my career to the next level of success and impact.
I’m a leader looking to take my team or organization to the next level of success and impact.
I’m looking for a new product (or new service, campaign, system, process, or model) to take my team to the next level of success and impact.
Now that we mapped our destination, route and fuel…
It’s time to jump into the vehicle that will accelerate us in 30-, 60-, 90-day cycles!
Sure, we can each do this by ourselves – but we’d lose out on what makes all of it special: we are 100x infinitely stronger together than on our own.
That’s why we architected Ni2 to be an All-In-One Accelerator:
Who else will we meet…
How will our superpowers connect…
What wicked problems will we fight as one…
How will we push each other to newer heights…
What impossibilities will we conquer…
Remember the O/S that ignites the Winnovator in you?
You can’t win on your own – not as an individual, not as a team, not as a company.
At Ignite, we know these to be true:
First, that I am gifted with my own Genius –
unique, unrepeated and unrepeatable
for all time.
Second, that my singular Genius bears
the thumbprint of Who I Am and Why I am Here.
Genius points to Purpose, Purpose to Genius.
Third, that I can only give out
of what I have been given.
And what I have been given,
I must give and live for others.
Genius finds its fullness in Service –
a Purpose bigger than self.
Fourth, that if I am honest and brave,
my Genius and Purpose will find
their manifest call in a shared Mission –
with others, for others.
A Mission rooted in finding
that particular slice of humanity
whose particular pains
I am particularly gifted
(and compelled!) to heal.
Fifth, that shared Mission
leads naturally to Collaboration.
Shared Mission demands
Shared Genius: mine, yours, ours.
If we are a collection of our own Genius –
each unique, unrepeated, unrepeatable –
where then can we go, but to Innovation.
We Ignite, therefore, not just for self,
but for each other.
Because what we are born to do,
we are born to do with others
and for others.
We need each other’s Genius.
And far beyond Genius,
we need each other to be on this journey,
to fulfill this necessary progression:
from a sense of our own individual
Genius, Purpose, and Service (GPS)
toward shared Mission and Collaboration,
and ultimately, to Innovation and Impact.
This is the path of transcendence.
This is how we lift each other
to heights we never in our wildest dreams,
or loftiest ambitions, dared.
Jumpstart the Ignite O/S for your career, team, or company –
join us for –
Start the Launchpad project that will sprint you to your next level in 30-, 60- and 90-day cycles.
Above all, stay true to the single most important thing in your life:
Live your deepest truth and so fulfill
your highest potential and greatest promise
At Ignite, we know these to be true:
First, that I am gifted with my own Genius –
unique, unrepeated and unrepeatable
for all time.
Second, that my singular Genius bears
the thumbprint of Who I Am and Why I am Here.
Genius points to Purpose, Purpose to Genius.
Third, that I can only give out
of what I have been given.
And what I have been given,
I must give and live for others.
Genius finds its fullness in Service –
a Purpose bigger than self.
Fourth, that if I am honest and brave,
my Genius and Purpose will find
their manifest call in a shared Mission –
with others, for others.
A Mission rooted in finding
that particular slice of humanity
whose particular pains
I am particularly gifted
(and compelled!) to heal.
Fifth, that shared Mission
leads naturally to Collaboration.
Shared Mission demands
Shared Genius: mine, yours, ours.
If we are a collection of our own Genius –
each unique, unrepeated, unrepeatable –
where then can we go, but to Innovation.
We Ignite, therefore, not just for self,
but for each other.
Because what we are born to do,
we are born to do with others
and for others.
We need each other’s Genius.
And far beyond Genius,
we need each other to be on this journey,
to fulfill this necessary progression:
from a sense of our own individual
Genius, Purpose, and Service (GPS)
toward shared Mission and Collaboration,
and ultimately, to Innovation and Impact.
This is the path of transcendence.
This is how we lift each other
to heights we never in our wildest dreams,
or loftiest ambitions, dared.
Need help finding or validating ideas you ought to launch? Stop in at the Ni2 SANBDOX. Whoever you are, whatever you do, we’ll help you generate the most exciting opportunity that makes sense for you right now.
Jumpstart the Ignite O/S for your career, team, or company –
join us for –
Start the Launchpad project that will sprint you to your next level in 30-, 60- and 90-day cycles.
Above all, stay true to the single most important thing in your life:
Live your deepest truth and so fulfill
your highest potential and greatest promise
At Ignite, we know these to be true:
First, that I am gifted with my own Genius –
unique, unrepeated and unrepeatable
for all time.
Second, that my singular Genius bears
the thumbprint of Who I Am and Why I am Here.
Genius points to Purpose, Purpose to Genius.
Third, that I can only give out
of what I have been given.
And what I have been given,
I must give and live for others.
Genius finds its fullness in Service –
a Purpose bigger than self.
Fourth, that if I am honest and brave,
my Genius and Purpose will find
their manifest call in a shared Mission –
with others, for others.
A Mission rooted in finding
that particular slice of humanity
whose particular pains
I am particularly gifted
(and compelled!) to heal.
Fifth, that shared Mission
leads naturally to Collaboration.
Shared Mission demands
Shared Genius: mine, yours, ours.
If we are a collection of our own Genius –
each unique, unrepeated, unrepeatable –
where then can we go, but to Innovation.
We Ignite, therefore, not just for self,
but for each other.
Because what we are born to do,
we are born to do with others
and for others.
We need each other’s Genius.
And far beyond Genius,
we need each other to be on this journey,
to fulfill this necessary progression:
from a sense of our own individual
Genius, Purpose, and Service (GPS)
toward shared Mission and Collaboration,
and ultimately, to Innovation and Impact.
This is the path of transcendence.
This is how we lift each other
to heights we never in our wildest dreams,
or loftiest ambitions, dared.
Which doors is yours?
I’m starting my career soon – I’d love to put myself in the best position for success and impact.
I’m a professional looking to take my career to the next level of success and impact.
I’m a leader looking to take my team or organization to the next level of success and impact.
I’m looking for a new product (or new service, campaign, system, process, or model) to take my team to the next level of success and impact.
Jumpstart the Ignite O/S for your career, team, or company –
join us for –
Start the Launchpad project that will sprint you to your next level in 30-, 60- and 90-day cycles.
Above all, stay true to the single most important thing in your life:
Live your deepest truth and so fulfill
your highest potential and greatest promise
At Ignite, we know these to be true:
First, that I am gifted with my own Genius –
unique, unrepeated and unrepeatable
for all time.
Second, that my singular Genius bears
the thumbprint of Who I Am and Why I am Here.
Genius points to Purpose, Purpose to Genius.
Third, that I can only give out
of what I have been given.
And what I have been given,
I must give and live for others.
Genius finds its fullness in Service –
a Purpose bigger than self.
Fourth, that if I am honest and brave,
my Genius and Purpose will find
their manifest call in a shared Mission –
with others, for others.
A Mission rooted in finding
that particular slice of humanity
whose particular pains
I am particularly gifted
(and compelled!) to heal.
Fifth, that shared Mission
leads naturally to Collaboration.
Shared Mission demands
Shared Genius: mine, yours, ours.
If we are a collection of our own Genius –
each unique, unrepeated, unrepeatable –
where then can we go, but to Innovation.
We Ignite, therefore, not just for self,
but for each other.
Because what we are born to do,
we are born to do with others
and for others.
We need each other’s Genius.
And far beyond Genius,
we need each other to be on this journey,
to fulfill this necessary progression:
from a sense of our own individual
Genius, Purpose, and Service (GPS)
toward shared Mission and Collaboration,
and ultimately, to Innovation and Impact.
This is the path of transcendence.
This is how we lift each other
to heights we never in our wildest dreams,
or loftiest ambitions, dared.
Thank you for your interest.
The Ni2 Cohort Algorithm sets the number of seats open at any given time in order to optimize impact for all participants.
As such, we accept reservations on a rolling basis and will notify you when your slots have opened.