It's Always Day 1
We get an overview of the full journey and jumpstart our 100-day accelerator with the iconic DAYONE format inspired by Amazon’s It’s always Day 1 practice that has helped build the startup into a trillion-dollar company.
We blitz the Winnovators Canvas – 12 hurdles to help us fast-track winnovations (winning innovations) that 1) create big wins for our customers and our bottom line; 2) are sustainable at scale; and 3) are thus good for both our long-term business success and our individual careers as winnovators.
Key Win: More than any kind of special talent, what we need is a systemic process, discipline and desire.
We use the Sandbox App to find hi-impact ideas and opportunities for Winnovations. The Sandbox App guides us with step-by-step practices – how to use empathy and human-centered design thinking in order to find the most rewarding opportunities – right here where we work, in whatever role or function we have.
Key Win: There is no excuse not to have ideas and opportunities to make our company better.
We get on the Launchpad App to start a Project Team that will take us through 12 Hurdles as we launch a hi-impact solution (product, service, biz model, system, process, workflow, campaign, etc.) in 100 days or less.
We focus on launching solutions for challenges and opportunities that impact our day-to-day work, especially those with the greatest impact on customer experience.
Key Win: We all have customers; there is no one in our company who is not serving their own customer. Now we are all empowered to change things by launching better customer experience.
Daily Flights
We join a Daily Flight Community of Practice via Zoom. In this case, it’s a Tuesday 10-11AM Agile Sprint where we meet two teams working on Live Now @ Ni2: The Future of Home Experiences.
Our Team + Value Chain
The 1st team is a cross-functional, cross-border collaboration led by or own CEO and after-sales team, a partner team from a dealer-installer in the Visayas, and a couple who are first-time home owners. They share their Launchpad project to transform after-sales installation and services into a cross-selling and CRM platform that creates wins for the customer and for our service partners.
Potluck Format
The sharing focuses on Launchpad Hurdles 1-4: understanding the Target Stakeholder as a whole person, not just as a transactional customer; and then mapping their Target Motivations vs Target Substitutes so as to zero in on our most critical zone of interventions. The team is stuck on Hurdle 3, Target Substitutes – whether to consider competitive alternatives only, or to weigh in consumer behaviors that allow customers to bypass the product/service category altogether.
Outside Our Box
The 2nd team is stuck on Launchpad Hurdle 1. Composed of engineering faculty and college seniors from Cabuyao Institute of Technology, they already have a 3D-printed prototype for a kitchen aid, but are stuck on who their Target Stakeholder should be and what their pains and needs might be.
Learning 2.0
Our pilots for this Daily Flight serve as mentors and facilitators, sharing their views on how to get each team unstuck, while also facilitating solo workouts and peer exchanges with the community.
Key Win: Both teams find ideas how to get unstuck and move forward on their respective Launchpad hurdles, while the rest of us learn from live business cases how to apply critical practices like empathy, customer-centricity and human-centered design thinking in our own Launchpad projects.
DAY 7-12
Zone of Opportunity
We process what we learned from the community of practice and hop back into our Launchpad App. We’re excited to start on our own Hurdles!
Launchpad Hurdle Zero takes us on a quick scan of Hurdles 1-5, helping us activate and direct our intuition to get a big picture of what this opportunity looks like, its key inflection points and potential red flags. It’s also a gut check if this project is really something we can be passionate about.
Empathy + Customer-Centricity
Launchpad Hurdle 1 guides us how to use The Empathy Project (TEP) App to get to know our Target Stakeholder as a whole human being, not just as a transactional customer.
We continuously practice empathy and customer-centricity as we navigate Hurdles 2-5. We use The Empathy Project App to start each hurdle by talking to and observing our customers, gathering data points and building on prior data and findings, and deepening our own insights and sense of connectedness to our customer and their pains, needs and wants.
Key Win: Empathy is physics! By understanding and connecting with our customers as whole human beings, we widen and deepen our insights and data sets as to the universe of feautres and benefits we can bring into their lives. Constrast this vs the much narrower vision of our competitors who only look at the customer as a transactional C/X and over time this Empathy practiced at frequency and scale will alter the physics of our playing field. We will always be playing from a broader and deeper field of innovation opportunities.
Solo Workout + Peer Exchange
By the time we reach Launchpad Hurdle 5, we’ve done 5 prior rounds of solo workouts, followed by peer exchanges, followed by hurdle consensus that allows our team to advance more and more efficiently, while practicing divergent-to-convergent thinking.
Key Win: Everyone is involved and we are pleasantly surprised how much stronger our insights are by harnessing the independent critical thinking of every member of our team.
From Empathy to Compassion to Love
At this point, we’ve clarified a deeper and more focused Target Delta – the critical changes we’re going to deliver to create a much better customer experience.
Key Win: Not only have we successfully mapped the Zone of Opportunity, we have grown a deper sense of commitment as individuals and as a team: from empathy, to compassion, to falling in love with the problem we are solving and the people who stand to benefit from our solution.
DAY 14
Superpower-6 Performance Review
After completing our first 5 Hurdles, the Launchpad App guides us to our first performance review of the Superpower-6 critical competencies for peak performance in the VUCA world. This is a self-administered exercise we can do daily, weekly or as often as we like.
Key Win: This is how peak performers get it done – by reflecting and journaling (taking notes!) on how we are progressing on the 6 key superpowers, how specifically we practiced them (e,g., each week), where we got it right, where we didn’t do so well, where we need to improve.
DAY 16
Daily Flights 2
We join our 2nd Daily Flight Community of Practice via Zoom. In this case, it’s a Thursday 10-11AM Agile Sprint where we are one of two teams potlucking our project as part of Live Now @ Ni2: The Future of Home Experiences.
Our Turn to Potluck
We share how we’ve mapped our Zone of Opportunity based on Launchpad Hurdles 1-5. We get live instant feedback from our pilot mentors. Basically we’re on the right track, but they challenge us to sharpen our Hurdle 5 Target Delta through a live Q&A where we are able to get new angles from our community of practice peers.
Key Win: This experience of sharpening our vision of what we’re going to change for our Target Stakeholder and how this change will impact their lives gives us more clarity as we take on Hurdle 6, the first of another 5 hurdles for Mapping our Zone of Solutions.
DAY 17
Hurdle 6
We’re back in the Launchpad App for Hurdles 6-10 that will help us map our Zone of Solutions. We start by agreeing on a vision story of how our customer will be using our solution. Where, when and how often? With who? Does anyone else play an important role in their ability to use our solution (e.g., does anyone else pay, decide or influence use of our solution)? What key actions or behaviors do our solutions require of other key players?
Most important: Why? What is our solution doing for customer? How, specifically, is our solution making life better for them?
Key Win: Products and innovations are not a list of features or even benefits. Instead, we start our solution architecture as a human story, envisioning in detail how our customer will use our product, where, when, with who, why and how it will make their lives better. This is the art and science of human-centered design thinking brought to life.
DAY 19-26
Hurdle 7 - Ooops!
We’ve been warned about Launchpad Hurdle 7 – the solution architecture that integrates product, customer, business, revenue and cost modeling. This is where many teams get stuck and sure enough, we’ve spent a whole week unable to get to a consensus on this one.
Key Win: Even in this struggle, we win – because we appreciate why our work and shared mission must be aligned with our deeply personal GPS (Genius, Purpose, Service). This is the source of our grit, resilience and persistence, without which sustained peak performance is impossible.
Plus, we know that we are surrounded by an entire ecosystem designed to power us through these inevitable struggles and setbacks (see next day)!
DAY 26-28
Open Market Pitch - 360 Capital Access
We attend a special kind of Daily Flight that runs every 4th Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each month. Launchpad teams pitch their projects in the hopes of attracting various types of capital: from financial capital of investors, to strategic capital of potential partners, to human capital that we might be able to attract as collaborators in our project.
Only Launchpad teams that have completed the first 2 Zones – mapping the Zone of Opportunity and Mapping the Zone of Solution – which are covered by Hurdles 1-10 are allowed to pitch.
DAY 27
Open Collaboration
We approach 2 of the teams that pitched to discuss collaborations. One is solving a pain point similar to our Target Stakeholder’s and the other is launching a new marketing campaign that will be relevant when we launch our solution.
DAY 29
Office Hours 1
We go into a closed-door mentorship and feedback session just for our team. Hurdle 7 is still our focus and this time, with advice from the mentor team, we are able to re-align our cost model to be more sustainable via economies of scale. That means we need to develop more critical mass distribution channels and partnerships if we are to make our solution financially viable.
DAY 31-37
Hurdle 7 Finally!
We finally have a solutions architecture that our team can agree on: everything from the product model, to the scale and scope of the target market, revenue, cost and operating models.
DAY 41-45
Minimum Viable OKR & Build
Launchpad Hurdles 8-10 focus us on scaling down the solution architecture into a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Build that fulfills our threshold Objectives & Key Results (OKRs). In our case, the MVP will target proofs of concept having to do with being able to build the key functionality and proving that users will stay engaged.
DAY 43
Daily Flights 3
We join our 3rd Daily Flight Community of Practice via Zoom. In this case, it’s a Wednesday 10-11AM Agile Sprint.
Past Potlucker Part II
We meet a team that presented 4 weeks earlier and we are impressed at how much progress they’ve made. The timing is opportune as they shared a lot of learnings (including many mistakes they made) relating to the final Hurdles 11-12 that we are about to enter.
DAY 44
Superpower-6 Performance Review
Another round of self-assesment: how specifically have we practiced these 6 critical competencies; where and how did we do well; where and how do we need improvement?
DAY 47
Co-Create for Love
Hurdle 11 starts us off on a surprising path: we are challenged to find our first 1% of early adopters, with the goal of enlisting them to co-create the solution with us. The goal is to build a solution together that they (and thus people like them) will fall in love with.
DAY 49-55
Sprint Cycle #1
OKR-aligned target win/s for this cycle
Key iterations delivered
Key gains [What KU/X or features worked best for user?]
Key drains [What didn’t work or was missing?]
Key Learnings/Insights [What were our most important learnings?] Tag Impact Area
Target win/s for next cycle (3 Max)
Key iterations for next cycle [How will we build Key Learnings into our next version?]
How can we go faster?
For Superheroes Only:
Superpowers self-assessment (which S6 did I practice well vs not well in this cycle)?
Key Win: Agile methods are like ready-fire-aim – so contrary to our deep-seated habit of ready-aim-fire. Our old habits of perfectionism and waiting until we’ve analyzed everything and all the data and powerpoints are complete – these old habits die hard and they are the enemy of peak performance and innovation.
In the days and weeks up ahead, the Launchpad App will help us practice, practice, practice and form new habits around agile ready-fire-aim.
DAY 55
Every sprint cycle links us direclty back to a review of how we practiced these 6 critical competencies in this cycle – what did we do well and what can we improve…
DAY 56-62
Sprint Cycle #2
Same questions, different learnings, new iterations, we’re closer to launch with each sprint cycle!
DAY 60
Investment Committee Approval
We present our Hurdles 1-12 so far to our Corporate Investment Committee and they give us a budget that allows us to fast-track product development, while adding people a critical headcount for our marketing.
DAY 61
Daily Flights 4
We join our 4th Daily Flight Community of Practice via Zoom. In this case, it’s a Thursday 10-11AM Agile Sprint. We don’t have any particular needs but we join these sessions because we always learn something new from them that allows us to see and do things differently.
DAY 62
Every sprint cycle links us directly back to a review of how we practiced these 6 critical competencies in this cycle – what did we do well and what can we improve…
DAY 64
Open Market Pitch - 360 Capital Access
This time it’s our turn to pitch in front of our community peers. We already have funding so what we’re after are partnerships and collaborations that will further accelerate our OKRs.
DAY 64
VIP Marketplace
Data and algorithms recommend: Technology; Partnerships; People to Meet
DAY 63-65
Sprint Cycle #3
Same questions, different learnings, new iterations, we’re closer to launch with each sprint cycle!
DAY 65
Every sprint cycle links us directly back to a review of how we practiced these 6 critical competencies in this cycle – what did we do well and what can we improve…
DAY 68
Office Hours 2
Our second closed-door mentorship and feedback session. This time we get timely advice on rolling out to early adopters instead of trying to win over a general population at launch.
DAY 69-72
Sprint Cycle #4
Same questions, different learnings, new iterations, we’re closer to launch with each sprint cycle!
Plus, our sprints are getting faster as we’re learning faster and getting more used to agile methods.
DAY 72
Every sprint cycle links us directly back to a review of how we practiced these 6 critical competencies in this cycle – what did we do well and what can we improve…
DAY 73-75
Sprint Cycle #5
Same questions, different learnings, new iterations, we’re closer to launch with each sprint cycle!
DAY 74
VIP Marketplace
Data and algorithms recommend: Marketing resources
DAY 75
Every sprint cycle links us directly back to a review of how we practiced these 6 critical competencies in this cycle – what did we do well and what can we improve…
DAY 76-83
Sprint Cycle #6
Same questions, different learnings, new iterations, we’re closer to launch with each sprint cycle!
DAY 80-84
Sprint Cycle #7
Same questions, different learnings, new iterations, we’re closer to launch with each sprint cycle!
DAY 82
VIP Marketplace
Data and algorithms recommend: Legal; Sales & Distribution Partnership
DAY 85-89
Sprint Cycle #8
Same questions, different learnings, new iterations, we’re closer to launch with each sprint cycle!
DAY 87
VIP Marketplace
Data and algorithms recommend: Strategic Partnerships
DAY 90-94
Sprint Cycle #9
Same questions, different learnings, new iterations, we’re closer to launch with each sprint cycle!
DAY 95
Put the ideas into practice.